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Basics to understand.
OUTPUT and INPUT - in relation to the device.
Analog Audio can always be converted.
A. Connecting the Board.
Zero The Board:
2 directions: 1 into the board / 2 Out from the board.
Into the board:
Analog Audio. Cable types, adapters, and groundloop isolators.
Out from the board:
Digital Audio: USB - master audio out
Analog Audio: Aux Send to Soundcard for Mic seperation.
B. Windows Settings
Audio Control Panel
Playback - OUTPUT
Choose a soundcard for a purpose - Connect to soundboard - Label and settings to change.
Advanced Settings Highest Quality Available.
Output Level - 100
Recording - INPUT
Voice Input vs Stream Input
Advanced Settings - 48000hz - Highest bit depth.
Soundboard General Input Volume: 69
Discord Input volume - See Discord Video linked at the top of the description!
Default Devices - Set LAST!
C. OBS settings
Audio Quality Settings.
Bitrate 320
Filters - Gain and Limiter